pricelist 枡価格表

Be it large or small masu cups, we offer you a whole variety of sizes. We'll do our best to give you the cheapest possible price based on your quotation request form. Please tell us if our prices happen to be higher than the prices of any other company. We'll do all we can to offer you the BEST PRICES among all the companies in the business!

Unit prices
一合枡 Product Name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Standard Masu 85×85×60 60×60×45 4.25 3.85 3.75 3.65
ミニ枡 Product Name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Mini Masu 49×49×41 34×34×33 3.75 3.35 3.25 3.15
五勺枡 Product Name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Small Masu 65×65×44 49×49×36 3.95 3.55 3.45 3.35
八勺枡 Product Name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Medium Masu 80×80×50 60×60×40 4.15 3.75 3.65 3.55
五合枡 Product Name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Large Masu 140×140×73 120×120×63 16.75 11.75 11.25 10.75
一升枡 Product Name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Extra-large Masu 170×170×90 150×150×80 22.25 16.25 15.50 14.75
Product Name Size(mm) 1 pc
Medium Urushi Masu 80×80×48 4.15
Product Name Size(mm) 1 pc
Standard Urushi Masu 78×76×48 14.75
Product Name Size(mm) 1 lot(50pc)
Mini Clear Masu 80×80×48 14,300

All the above prices are unit prices available above a given order quantity (1,30,50,100pcs)

Shipping Services Time Price
expressmail 3days~4days $$$$
airmail 1week~1.5Weeks $$$
economyairmail 2week~2.5Weeks $$
surfacemail 1month~2months $

All the above prices are unit prices available above a given order quantity (1,30,50,100pcs)

We also ship with FedEx, UPS, DHL, Yamato etc. Please let us know what service

you would like to use. (Price is usually higher however)

pricelist of Specially
Picture masu Product Name Remarks
Picture Masu Choose any of our fixed branding designs!
Popular Character Masu Product Name Remarks
Popular Character Masu Choose any of our fixed branding designs!
Custom masu Product Name Remarks
Custom Masu Each custom branding iron is 150.00 USD
hishaku Product Name Unit Price
Hishaku 15.00 USD
Small sake barrel Product Name Unit Price
Small Sake Barrel 350.00 USD
Medium sake barrel Product Name Unit Price
Medium Sake Barrel 400.00 USD
Standard sake barrel Product Name Unit Price
Standard Sake Barrel 450.00 USD
hishaku Product Name Unit Price
Small Wooden Mallet 20.00 USD
hishaku Product Name Unit Price
Bamboo Ladle 10.00 USD

# Please note that despite all the efforts towards making the masu cups in a uniform size, there might be some differences in their size, when compared to the above table. Thank you for your understanding.
# The prices of the Picture masu, Popular Character Masu and the Custom masu are the same as of the plain masu cups displayed in the table above if you would like to get them branded on only one side, with the exception that in the case of the custom masu cups you will need to pay for creating a branding iron based on your very own custom logo.

From 1 pcFrom 30 pcs
USD 4.25/pcUSD 3.85/pc
From 50 pcsFrom 100 pcs
USD 3.75/pcUSD 3.65/pc

This is the most common, standard sized masu cup. From old times, masu cups of this size are used for drinking sake on celebrations in Japan.
Since the masu cups were used for measurement as well, its name comes from the traditional
Japanese unit of go, which is equal to the volume of approximately 0.1804L = 180.4ml.
For comparison please note that a usual glass cup in Japan has a volume of about 200ml.

From 1 pcFrom 30 pcs
USD 3.75/pcUSD 3.35/pc
From 50 pcsFrom 100 pcs
USD 3.25/pcUSD 3.15/pc

As its name says, it's a mini sized masu cup. The inner volume of the mini masu is about Mini masu, which is about 0.0036L = 36ml, exactly 2 / 10th the volume of the one go wooden masu box. Its size is also equivalent to that of a regular ochoko cup, which is also traditionally used in Japan for drinking sake�D Therefore it's perfect for substituting ochoko cups to give you an exclusive sensation.

From 1 pcFrom 30 pcs
USD 3.95/pcUSD 3.55/pc
From 50 pcsFrom 100 pcs
USD 3.45/pcUSD 3.35/pc

Its inner volume is exactly the half of the one go masu, Small masu,
which means that its inner volume is 0.09L = 90ml, rougly a mouthful of sake. Perfect for wedding ceremonies and parties of any kind.

From 1 pcFrom 30 pcs
USD 4.15/pcUSD 3.75/pc
From 50 pcsFrom 100 pcs
USD 3.65/pcUSD 3.55/pc

At first sight, the Medium masu cup looks just like a standard size, one go masu.
It's inner volume is about 0.143L = 143ml, equal to a half full standard glass cup.

From 1 pcFrom 30 pcs
USD 16.75/pcUSD 11.75/pc
From 50 pcsFrom 100 pcs
USD 11.25/pcUSD 10.75/pc

The volume of a Large Masu is roughly the same as a rice cooker. Its uses vary: measuring container, box for storing CDs and books or as a stylish wooden interior piece. A Large Masu could also be very handy on any ceremony or celebration.
You could fill it with sake to the rim, pass it around and let everyone drink from it.

From 1 pcFrom 30 pcs
USD 22.25/pcUSD 16.25/pc
From 50 pcsFrom 100 pcs
USD 15.50/pcUSD 14.75/pc

One sho is a volume unit in Japan, equal to 10 go, which means that it's 1.804L = 1800ml. It's roughly the same volume as a 2L PET bottle. In Japan sake is still sold in 1.8L bottles called one sho bottle (isshoubin) in Japanese.

  • Medium urushi masuMedium Urushi Masu

    It's a masu cup for celebration in party, Elegant luster and gloss is attractive. It is not the same masu made from Hinoki (cypress), Vivid shades of vermilion and black fit perfect for parties.

  • Standard urushi masuStandard Urushi Masu

    Importain customer of the event, We decorate the ceremony! We will introduce one Go black lacquer Masu The black and vermilion of contrast that has been used since ancient times make a sense of quality, Elegance, lacquerware is the characteristic of this product. We always can not enough to produce the Masu for sell. Now I want a special Masu, It is perfect customers, we hope!

  • Mini cleaer masuMini Clear Masu

    Masu completely different refreshing appearance mini transparent with mass of cypress (cypress)!Masu of refreshing clarity is,Compatibility with cold drinks is also excellent!The size is an image, such as "blown inside".It is when you are looking for a big thing about another around there is also 5 Shaku size.It can also be used as a "shot glass" Dari drunk a drink of celebrations.Is after you're done, Lets enjoy it!

  • plan masuPlain Masu

    A wooden masu box without any logo imprinted, branded on it. To purchase the plain masu cups is the fastest and cheapest way for getting your very own masu cups. Plain masu cups are available in various sizes: Mini masu, Small masu, Medium masu, Standard masu, Large Masu, Extra-large masu

  • Masu bagMasu Bag

    Masu cups could be branded with a unique logo that either you have designed yourself or what we have designed for you. The sizes that are awailable for custom branding are the following: 5shaku(small), 8shaku(medium), 1go(standard), 5go(large) and 1sho(extra large).

  • Hishaku masuHishaku

    Hishaku is a long Japanese ladle made of various materials: wood, bamboo and even partly metal. It's used on all kinds of ceremonies in Japan for scooping water or sake. Our hishaku is made by attaching a wooden handle to a standard masu cup. You can buy it plain or branded with the same fixed designs that are available for the standard, Standard masu sized masu cups and it can even be custom branded with your very own logo.

  • picture masuPicture Masu

    Masu cups branded with one of our fixed designs.
    You can get any of our fixed illustrations, designs branded your masu cups.
    Designs branded on your masu can be done on all four sides on the masu cups.
    Picture branded masu cups are available in various sizes: Small masu, Medium masu, Standard masu

  • Popular Character MasuPopular Character Masu

    With this special masu you can select any of the most popular kanji characters from our fized designs and get them branded on your masu cups.
    Choose from many popular characters like: Kotobuki = Congratulations, Iwai = Celebration, Fuku = Good Fortune, Kizuna = Bonds (between people) and from many popular phrases like Anzen Kigan = Prayer for Safety, Kaiten Iwai = Shop Opening Celebration, Shoubai Hanjou = Prosperous Business. These masu cups are very popular as personal or company gifts.

  • Custom masuCustom Masu

    Masu cups could be branded with a unique logo that either you have designed yourself or what we have designed for you. The sizes that are awailable for custom branding are the following: 5shaku(small), 8shaku(medium), 1go(standard), 5go(large) and 1sho(extra large).

  • Small sake barrelSmall Sake Barrel

    Small sake barrel for Japanese traditional sake breaking ceremony.The ceremony often takes place during weddings or special occasions. Among this, it contains the 18-liter of liquor.Enjoy the flavor of the drink and the masu.

  • Small wooden malletSmall Wooden Mallet

    The small mallet is necessary for Kagamibiraki ceremony. Few people break the sake barrel with a small mallet to celebration in Kagamibiraki ceremony. Then share the Sake in that barrel for everyone by the ladle, Because the shape of barrel's lid is round so that why the kagami is a symbol of the harmony and fortune.

  • Medium sake barrelMedium Sake Barrel

    it is a stainless steel container for liquor after handling to simple style,It's would be a good starting with Kagami ceremonies memorable experience and impressive with friends or colleagues. It's can use to put in a wide range of applications like Juice or wine, candy, etc

  • Standard sake barrelStandard Sake Barrel

    It is a sake barrel with the largest size, and this size is commonly used in ceremonies kagami. There are lot of sizes in the ceremony kagami but this is one of the most appropriate size if you want a impress premiere or wedding.

  • Bamboo ladleBamboo ladle

    Ladle become very necessary for Kagamibiraki ceremony. During the Kagami ceremony, Ladle is also needed, If you put on top of the Komo mallet, the atmosphere would be rise up. Because it is made from bamboo it is water resistant and a has a good commodity of use.

  • Masu boxMasu Box

    This is one Go Masu dedicated Masu box, we recommend for anyone who want to present for the important person masu when it put on the original branding iron. Although it is good to use the masu bag, you get the still classy You can use a dedicated Masu box.

We are shipping masu cups to customers both in Japan and worldwide!

We ship masu cups to customers both in Japan and worldwide. We get orders from not just individuals, but organizations, Japanese restaurants, international companies making a business opening ceremony Japanese style by opening a barrel of sake and drinking its contents from masu cups. An excellent way of drinking Japanese sake is to do it from a freshly made masu cup. That may be the reason why Japanese people cherish a rather intimate connection with these small wooden boxes from the old times. We would like to share the best parts of traditional Japanese culture with as much people around the globe as possible.

Articles in connection with masu cups:
Masu pictureMasu image