Taru sake

kagami biraki ceremony
Taru sake is made by ageing sake in cedar
sake barrels such as this one. It is then either
served directly from the casks or bottled.
hinoki wood scent
Sake drank from a masu cup has a unique,
luxurious taste. Masu cups will undoubtedly
make your taru sake even more delicious!
sake barrel used in a kagami biraki ceremony
A hishaku(wooden ladle) used for pouring
the taru sake into masu cups for serving.
kagami biraki ceremony
A kizuchi(mallet) used for opening(breaking)
the lid of a barrel of taru sake. It is ornamented
by a red-white ribbon used on special events.

Taru sake, also called taruzake is a special type of Japanese sake aged in casks or barrels called "taru" in Japanese. It is characterized by its yellowish color and the typical, wooden aroma that it is famous for. It is usually made of a rather dry type of sake to which the wood adds a unique, refreshing taste. The wood that is traditionally used for making the casks is Japanese cedar (sugi in Japanese), this is what gives the taru sake such a fine aroma. The type of cedar wood used for making the casks differs from region to region, however, it is said that the so-called Yoshino cedar, grown in the Yoshino District of Nara, is traditionally the best material for making the casks. Taru sake is a very popular drink in Japan on New Year's Eve, on weddings, opening ceremonies, ground breaking ceremonies and on other special events. It is essential on every kagami biraki ceremony.

Taru sake can be separated into 2 main categories:
1) Taru sake sold in bottles (binzume)
It is available in many different size of casks: 18, 36, 72 Liters and there are even smaller versions as well in only half-filled casks that have their second bottom placed higher than usual. Concerning the outlook of the sake barrel, there are two main versions: one decorated with a straw mat and one that is "naked" (hadaka taru). Kept in the casks, the sake absorbs more and more of the aroma of the cedar wood and as time goes this aroma will get stronger and stronger. Take care to keep the sake in the cask for approximately such a time interval that the final result will match your taste.

2) Taru sake sold in casks (taruzume)

This type of taru sake is kept in casks for a certain period of time, which results in a well-balanced intensity of the cedar flavour. You can't go wrong with this one!

No matter which type of taru sake you choose, don't forget that this traditional sake is best consumed the traditional way, using masu cups.


Unit prices
Standard masu Product name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Standard masu 85×85×60 60×60×45 4.25 3.85 3.75 3.65
Mini masu Product name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Mini masu 50×50×37 34×34×29 3.75 3.35 3.25 3.15
Small masu Product name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Small masu 68×68×45 53×53×38 3.95 3.55 3.45 3.35
Medium masu Product name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Medium masu 85×85×47 60×60×37 4.15 3.75 3.65 3.55
Large Masu Product name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Large masu 143×143×75 119×119×64 16.75 11.75 11.25 10.75
Extra-large masu Product name Outside
1 pc
30 pcs
50 pcs
100 pcs
Extra-large masu 175×175×92 150×150×79 22.25 16.25 15.50 14.75

All the above prices are unit prices available above a given order quantity (1,30,50,100pcs)

pricelist of Specially
Picture masu Product name Remarks
Picture masu Choose any of our fixed branding designs!
Popular Character Masu Product name Remarks
Popular Character Masu Choose any of our fixed branding designs!
Custom masu Product name Remarks
Custom masu The cost of making a custom branding iron
hishaku Product name Unit price
Hishaku 15.00 USD
We are shipping masu cups to customers both in Japan and worldwide!

The Masu selling company is shipping masu cups to customers both in Japan and worldwide. Recently we are getting more and more orders from not just individuals, but organizations, Japanese restaurants, international companies making a business opening ceremony Japanese style by opening a barrel of sake and drinking its contents from masu cups. An excellent way of drinking Japanese sake is to do it from a freshly made masu cup. That may be the reason why Japanese people cherish a rather intimate connection with these small wooden cups from the old times. We would like to share the best parts of traditional Japanese culture with as much people around the globe as possible.

Articles in connection with masu cups:
Masu pictureMasu image