manufacture こだわり

Please let us introduce the manufacturing process of these wooden masu cups through a series of photos and explanation of each step: air drying, cutting, joinery, frame assembly, planing, finishing touches, edge shaping, storing and packing. If you choose to get your custom logo on the masu cups, then branding will be also a part of the manufacturing process. Each and every wooden masu cup is made utilizing the hand precision skills of traditional Japanese craftsmen.

Nature drying

Air drying

The lumber that’s used for manufacturing masu cups undergoes a process of natural drying either indoors for a maximum of 4 months or outdoors for maximum of 1 month depending on both the quality, condition of the hinoki wood and the weather of the actual season as well. The goal of the drying the hinoki is to decrease the moisture content of the wood to a level that is appropriate for the manufacturing process. The gist of the process is to create a stack of the lumber on raised foundations and dry it gradually with a continuous flow of air. The loss of moisture inevitably causes the shrinkage of the hinoki wood, so it needs to be controlled with care as too rapid drying may lead to damaging the wood. If the lumber is considered dried, then it’s ready for manufacturing.

Cutting1 Cutting2

Cutting3 Cutting4

In this step, the lumber is cut into pieces of uniform size and shape by a machine that also shaves both sides of the lumber thoroughly. Each and every piece is checked for any faults like wood knots, deformations etc. and these faulty pieces are removed before sending them to the next manufacturing phase. Hinoki (Japanese Cypress) is a relatively expensive wood. Throughout the whole cutting process craftsman aim to leave as low waste as possible since they would like to offer their products on a low price and they would like to be ecologically conscious too.

Flutings1 Flutings2

After cutting the parts of the masu cups into the right sizes and shaving them nicely, the joinery work starts, finger tenons are cut into all of them for joining together all four sides of the masu cups. The cutting edge of the tenon cutter machine is polished every day for keeping it as sharp as possible, since this helps to make the quality of the masu cups especially good.

The adhesion2 The adhesion2

Frame assembly
The tenons of the sides of the masu cups are first glued with an adhesive that’s harmless to the human body after dried, and then these side pieces are placed into the frame assembly machine that presses all 4 sides together. Next the frame is checked again visually for any kinds of faults like the assembled frame being too frail, wood knots etc. and these defected pieces are removed from the production. Checking is a vital part of every production step. Concerning the safety of the adhesive used in the production, we have 2 safety certifications: one is issued by JFRL “Japan Food Research Laboratories” and the other one is issued by JCII “Japan Chemical Innovation and Inspection Institute” both documents are in Japanese. Please contact us if you would like to acquire the English versions of any of these documents.

Adjustment Adjustment2

All the surfaces of the assembled frames are leveled using a so-called “planer disk”, the machine displayed above.
In this step, Japanese craftsmen don’t need to take a look at the masu frames; they know exactly when the surfaces of the frames are perfect by the slight change in the sound of the planing. After the frames are planed, the bottom of the cups is glued to the frames to make the masu cups complete. Besides paying attention for the surfaces, the craftsmen take care to produce masu cups of uniform size. Moreover, after this process every masu cup is checked again for defects like cracks etc. and defected products are removed from the process.

Finish Finish2

Finishing touches
In this step the masu cups are briefly put into water so that the joints get a little swollen which makes the gluing hold even better and it gives the masu cups a little gloss as well. Then all four sides of the masu cups are planed once again equally to make them completely smooth using an even finer "planer disk".

Corner collecting1 Corner collecting2

Edge shaping
The goal of this process is to make the touch of the masu cups even better so anyone who uses these cups can feel good when taking them in hand. 10 pieces of masu cups are processed at once in this step; it’s yet again a good example for the expertise of the craftsmen manufacturing them. Since this is the final manufacturing process, the masu cups undergo a final, very throughout check before they are declared completely finished.

Stock Stock2

The finished wooden masu cups are stored in a cool dry place until they are shipped.

Packing Packing2 Packing3 Packing4

Right before shipping, every 5 piece of masu cups is wrapped in thin brown kraft wrapping paper and they are placed in a cardboard box. For worldwide shipments the cardboard box is then placed into an even bigger cardboard box with some cushioning materials to protect the masu cups on their way to your country.

We sincerely hope that we can deliver the warmth of traditional Japanese wooden masu cups to as many customers around the globe as possible. They don’t come empty; they are filled to the rim with the spirit of all the people who deliver them to you. Please enjoy the unique experience of MASU!

  • Standard masuStandard masu

    Standard masu
    This is the most common, standard sized masu cup. From old times, masu cups of this size are used for drinking sake on celebrations in Japan.
    Since the masu cups were used for measurement as well, its name comes from the traditional
    Japanese unit of go, which is equal to the volume of approximately 0.1804L = 180.4ml.
    For comparison please note that a usual glass cup in Japan has a volume of about 200ml.

  • small masuMini masu

    Mini masu
    As its name says, it's a mini sized masu cup.
    The inner volume of the mini masu is about Mini masu, which is about 0.0036L = 36ml, exactly 2 / 10th the volume of the one go wooden masu box. Its size is also equivalent to that of a regular ochoko cup, which is also traditionally used in Japan for drinking sakeD Therefore it's perfect for substituting ochoko cups to give you an exclusive sensation.

  • Small masuSmall masu

    Small masu
    Its inner volume is exactly the half of the one go masu,
    which means that its inner volume is 0.09L = 90ml, rougly a mouthful of sake. Perfect for wedding ceremonies and parties of any kind.

  • Medium masuMedium masu

    Medium masu
    At first sight, the Medium masu cup looks just like a standard size, one go masu.
    It's inner volume is about 0.143L = 143ml, equal to a half full standard glass cup.

  • Large MasuLarge masu

    Large masu
    The volume of a Large masu is roughly the same as a rice cooker. Its uses vary: measuring container, box for storing CDs and books or as a stylish wooden interior piece. A Large masu could also be very handy on any ceremony or celebration.
    You could fill it with sake to the rim, pass it around and let everyone drink from it.

  • big masuExtra-large masu

    Extra-large masu
    One sho is a volume unit in Japan, equal to 10 go, which means that it's 1.804L = 1800ml. It's roughly the same volume as a 2L PET bottle. In Japan sake is still sold in 1.8L bottles called one sho bottle (isshoubin) in Japanese.

  • plan masuPlain masu

    Plain masu
    A wooden masu box without any logo imprinted, branded on it. To purchase the plain masu cups is the fastest and cheapest way for getting your very own masu cups. Plain masu cups are available in various sizes: Mini masu, Small masu, Medium masu, Standard masu, Large Masu, Extra-large

  • picture masuPicture masu

    Masu cups branded with one of our fixed designs.
    You can get any of our fixed illustrations, designs branded your masu cups.
    Designs branded on your masu can be done on all four sides on the masu cups.
    Picture branded masu cups are available in various sizes: Small masu, Medium masu, Standard masu

  • Popular Character MasuPopular Character Masu

    Kanji masu
    With this special masu you can select any of the most popular kanji characters from our fized designs and get them branded on your masu cups.
    Choose from many popular characters like: Kotobuki = Congratulations, Iwai = Celebration, Fuku = Good Fortune, Kizuna = Bonds (between people) and from many popular phrases like Anzen Kigan = Prayer for Safety, Kaiten Iwai = Shop Opening Celebration, Shoubai Hanjou = Prosperous Business. These masu cups are very popular as personal or company gifts.

  • Masu bagMasu bag

    This is the vinyl bags to contain the masu.After drinking alcohol, being used at an event, customers are able to bring their masu home with them without soiling their luggage. That way the customer is able to keep something to remind them of the pleasant memories from the event..

  • Hishaku masuHishaku

    Hishaku is a long Japanese ladle made of various materials: wood, bamboo and even partly metal. It's used on all kinds of ceremonies in Japan for scooping water or sake. Our hishaku is made by attaching a wooden handle to a standard masu cup. You can buy it plain or branded with the same fixed designs that are available for the standard, Standard masu sized masu cups and it can even be custom branded with your very own logo.

  • Custom masuCustom masu

    Masu cups could be branded with a unique logo that either you have designed yourself or what we have designed for you. The sizes that are awailable for custom branding are the following: 5shaku(small), 8shaku(medium), 1go(standard), 5go(large) and 1sho(extra large).

  • Medium urushi masuMedium urushi masu

    It's a masu cup for celebration in party, Elegant luster and gloss is attractive. It is not the same masu made from Hinoki (cypress), Vivid shades of vermilion and black fit perfect for parties.

  • Standard urushi masuStandard urushi masu

    Importain customer of the event, We decorate the ceremony! We will introduce one Go black lacquer Masu The black and vermilion of contrast that has been used since ancient times make a sense of quality, Elegance, lacquerware is the characteristic of this product.

  • Mini Clear MasuMini Clear Masu

    Masu completely different refreshing appearance mini transparent with mass of cypress (cypress)!Masu of refreshing clarity is,Compatibility with cold drinks is also excellent!The size is in the image, with a ''blown out'' appearance. The masu comes in large and small masu size. It can also be used as a shot glass during celebrations.Is after you're done, Lets enjoy it!

  • Small sake barrelSmall sake barrel

    Small sake Barrel for japanese traditional Kagami ceremony.The ceremony often takes place in the ceremony or wedding.Among this, it contains the 18-liter of liquor.Enjoy the flavor of the drink and the masu.

  • Medium sake barrelMedium sake barrel

    it is a stainless steel container for liquor after handling to simple style,It's would be a good starting with Kagami ceremonies memorable experience and impressive with friends or colleagues. It's can use to put in a wide range of applications like Juice or wine, candy, etc

  • Standard sake barrelStandard sake barrel

    It is a sake barrel with the largest size, and this size is commonly used in ceremonies kagami. There are lot of sizes in the ceremony kagami but this is one of the most appropriate size if you want a impress premiere or wedding.

  • Small wooden malletSmall wooden mallet

    The small mallet is necessary for Kagamibiraki ceremony. Few people break the sake barrel with a small mallet to celebration in Kagamibiraki ceremony. Then share the Sake in that barrel for everyone by the ladle, Because the shape of barrel's lid is round so that why the kagami is a symbol of the harmony and fortune.

  • Bamboo ladleBamboo ladle

    Ladle become very necessary for Kagamibiraki ceremony. During the Kagami ceremony, Ladle is also needed, If you put on top of the Komo mallet, the atmosphere would be rise up. Because it is made from bamboo it is water resistant and a has a good commodity of use.

  • Masu boxMasu box

    This is one Go Masu dedicated Masu box, we recommend for anyone who want to present for the important person masu when it put on the original branding iron.Although it is good to use the masu bag, you get the still classy You can use a dedicated Masu box.

We are shipping masu cups to customers both in Japan and worldwide!

The Masu selling company is shipping masu cups to customers both in Japan and worldwide. Recently we are getting more and more orders from not just individuals, but organizations, Japanese restaurants, international companies making a business opening ceremony Japanese style by opening a barrel of sake and drinking its contents from masu cups. An excellent way of drinking Japanese sake is to do it from a freshly made masu cup. That may be the reason why Japanese people cherish a rather intimate connection with these small wooden boxes from the old times. We would like to share the best parts of traditional Japanese culture with as much people around the globe as possible.

Articles in connection with masu cups:
These are our official websites
All of them are entirely planned, designed, created, operated by our company

  • Event21
  • Event21 - Event oriented rental services, building up event sites, creating event oriented signboards, full event management, event planning, event execution, novelty items sales

    This is our the 1st website of our company. We are creating quotations based on the information that our dear customers give us by filling out the quotation form on our website. Among all the websites out there, our company is always first in updating our websites with the newest products and services. We are offering event management services, items classified by each event type, the newest event or Japan related items for sale, rental items and are continously expanding our range of products and services by various new options!

  • Arigato!from Japan
  • Arigato!from Japan - We are looking for overseas customers.

    We are the company for the customer looking for items made in Japan through the web. Happi, Golden folding screen or Masu (Sake cup) for event. We will provide popular goods, stationery, and various japanese goods for ceremonies. We are selling and shipping to overseas cuctomers not only in Japan, we would like to express our thanks (Arigatou!) go to the whole world.